About Portable Staging

Portable staging is staging which can be moved from place to place and setup where required.  Portable staging is sometimes also referred to as mobile staging, demountable staging, temporary staging, stage blocks, modular staging, folding staging and more alarmingly collapsible staging!

StackaStage portable staging is often used to replace old stage blocks or even to replace more modern equipment that has just not stood the test of time.  StackaStage is designed to last in a commercial environment, the high standard of finish with smooth rounded edges helps prevent knocks and scuffs to your building and the people using it!  StackaStage is a modular stage system and is completely demountable requiring no fixings to the building it is used in. When not in use and being stored it takes up minimal space; all trolleys will pass through standard commercial doorways so they are easy to manoeuvre to different areas of your building.

Portable staging is found in a wide variety of venues including schools, universities, theatres, hotels, conference centres, community halls and leisure venues.

The biggest user of portable staging is probably schools.  Traditional school buildings used to be built with a fixed stage, proscenium arch and curtain system; however increasing pupil numbers, subsequent lack of room and the requirement for a flexible hall space means that many schools now do not have a permanent stage.  Instead portable staging is preferred to create stage areas tailored to their precise requirements. When not in use the staging can be stored away, leaving the hall clear for serving lunch or for sports.

Early portable staging was usually in the form of stage blocks, however the big draw back with stage blocks is that they are heavy and unwieldy and they don’t get any smaller when not in use, so while you can move the stage blocks form the hall you still need to find a space to put them!

StackaStage is the Simple, Strong, Stowaway Stage System with exceptionally compact and convenient storage.